The average house price on HALESFIELD 11 is £2,861,658
The most expensive house in the street is UNIT 11 HALESFIELD 11 with an estimated value of £8,130,363
The cheapest house in the street is UNIT A9 A HALESFIELD 11 with an estimated value of £6,307
The house which was most recently sold was UNIT A9 A HALESFIELD 11, this sold on 5 Sep 2023 for £6,168
The postcodes for HALESFIELD 11 are TF7 4LZ, TF7 4PH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
UNIT 11 HALESFIELD 11 £8,130,363 £6,487,939 23 Jun 2018
UNIT A9 A HALESFIELD 11 £6,307 £6,168 5 Sep 2023
UNIT B1 HALESFIELD 11 £448,304 £360,000 1 May 2019